Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

An Ethereum Fork
The Blockchain to Power the Future of Organizations


EINC Blockchain 
      Organization is a smart contract with predefined protocol (eInc protocol) and running on EtherInc blockchain, every eInc has a unique name and will be maintained by eIncNS (eInc organizations name service) smart contract. The intent of EtherInc is to create an alternative protocol for running decentralized organizations and building decentralized applications, providing a different set of trade-offs that we believe will be very useful for a large class of decentralized applications, with particular emphasis on situations where rapid development time, security for small and rarely used applications, and the ability of different applications to very efficiently interact, are important. EtherInc does this by building what is essentially the ultimate abstract foundational layer: a Blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language​, allowing anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can create their own arbitrary rules for ownership, transaction formats, and state transition functions. A bare-bones version of Namecoin can be developed by writing two lines of code, and other protocols like currencies and reputation systems can be built in under twenty. Smart contracts, cryptographic "boxes" that contain value and unlock only if certain conditions are met, can also be built on top of the platform, with more power than thatoffered by Bitcoin scripting because of the added powers of Turing-completeness, value-awareness, Blockchain-awareness, and state.

          EtherInc (also referred to as eInc in short) is making DAOs a reality. eInc organizations are borderless and decentralized, just like Bitcoin, that are not limited by geographies, intermediaries and, other such artificial restrictions. The concept of distributed teams collaborating from all over the world, has gained momentum over the past few years. Working as distributed teams opens up new possibilities and avenues. The existing organizational system work reasonably when all the parties are a part of and governed by a common organizational framework which is regulated by regulatory bodies of one jurisdiction, and are located in one jurisdiction. However, this is not the direction where the future of organizations is headed. Traditional businesses are being replaced by resilient startup organizations where teams are no longer shackled by geographies and jurisdictions. According to a report published by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are more than 300 million entrepreneurs launching 150 million startups globally, each year. While this 5 number may seem impressive, only a third of these startups i.e. 50 million actually materialize, and hence benefit society in one or more ways. Inspecting the reasons behind the failures of these new organizations, insufficient capital stands out as the most prominent factor. Organizations which fail, usually do not have the capital investment to sustain themselves for even six months, let alone the idea of turning into successful ventures.

  • ICO sale starts: 15 July 2018
  • ICO sale ends: 25 July 2018
  • Coin symbol: ETI
  • Total coin supply: 997,528,142 ETI
  • Total coins in coinsale: 450,000,000 ETI
Total Coins: 997,528,142 ETI

● 97,528,142 ETI will be distributed to Ethereum holders who had ETH in their wallet
  balance at the time of the fork in the ratio 1:1.

● 100,000,000 ETI coins have been set aside for EtherInc Startup Fund to support
startups that register their organization on

● 450,000,000 ETI coins will be available for sale in the eInc Coinsale.

● 100,000,000 ETI coins have be allocated for Strategic Partnerships such as

partnership with other Wallet partners to include ETI and for partnerships that help
further build and foster the ETI ecosystem.

● Only 150,000,000 ETI coins have been allocated for eInc Community. These coins
will be used to reward the founders, team members, advisors, and fund the product
development, marketing, promotion, awareness, airdrop, bounty and referral
campaigns for the EtherInc platform, (30,000,000 ETI) will be company reserve for
miscellaneous operations.

● 100,000,000 ETI coins will be assigned for EtherInc future development and will be
vested for 5 years (33.33% released in Year 3, 4 and 5).

Community Total Coins: 150,000,000 ETI

● 60,000,000 ETI coins will be available for development of EtherInc.

● 37,500,000 ETI coins will be available for Team (will be vested for 6 months post

● 30,000,000 ETI will be company reserve for miscellaneous operations

● 15,000,000 ETI coins will be available for marketing, bounty and airdrops.

● 7,500,000 ETI coins will be available for advisors


eInc offers two wallet options by forking existing open-source code of MEW (MyEtherWallet) and MetaMask. We implemented EtherInc Blockchain configuration and launched a web
eInc chose to use the open source code of MEW and Metamask because users already know how to interact with MEW and MetaMask and they do not need to get accustomed to a new
software in order to send/receive ETI.

Create eInc Organizations
ETI coin can be used to deploy eInc organization on EtherInc blockchain, eIncNS for registry of eInc organizations
Create Proposals
ETI coin can be used to create proposals like "Issue Shares, Appoint CEO and others" for eInc organization on EtherInc blockchain

 Vote on Proposals
ETI coin can be used to vote on proposals / execute proposals for eInc organization on EtherInc blockchain
Pay Salary
ETI coin can be used to pay salary by creating "Salary/Payment" proposal and pass that proposal in order to pay salary

 Creating, managing and operating an organization can be needlessly complicated with lengthy paperwork, bank visits, legal complexities, numerous fees and unnecessary intermediaries and third parties imposing artificial restrictions.

We built einc to empower teams around the globe to create, manage and operate decentralised democratic organizations that are more resilient and trusted, enabling efficient creation of value without borders, restrictions and costly intermediaries.

Proven domain expertise meets opportunity. The EtherInc has a proven history of technical achievement and passion for technology. In past our team worked for


[Create eInc]
🌐 Main site: 

✅Organisation Explorer (Mainnet): 
✅Organisation Explorer (Rosten Testnet): 
✅Block Explorer (Mainnet): 
✅Block Explorer (Rosten Testnet): 
✅Network (Mainnet): 
✅Network (Rosten Testnet): 

✅Telegram Announcements 📢:
✅Mining Group:

===========================THANK YOU ==========================

Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Biometrids Identity Network
Biometrids provides the ultimate solution to identity verification problems. We aim to make stolen passwords, names, social security numbers, and more, a thing of the past. Utilizing the facial recognition capabilities of smartphone devices, each individual will be facially recognized on the blockchain.
Biometrids strives to create a revolutionary “One Face, One ID” phenomenon. It only takes a single recognition and no one will be able to manipulate identities on the blockchain. With this system in place, we expect a drastic reduction in identity theft.
Decentralised and Anonymous ID by Facial Recognition on the Blockchain
Biometrids’ platform is an online ID on the blockchain that uses machine learning for facial recognition. With facial recognition, it is possible to verify people are who they say they are. Biometrids solves one of the biggest issues today faced in the blockchain ecosystem and in life. Biometrids is a decentralised ID that uses the blockchain to identify people. The usage of the blockchain assures everyone is anonymous, but still valid to conduct transaction with one another. By using the API connected to the Biometrids platform, any service can adopt our ID protocol into their system, and force people to use the Biometrids ID to improve the security of knowing the their customers are transacting with genuine people. With Biometrids’ platform, it is
possible to achieve the following :

• Make sure that people are who they say they are.
• Deal with impostors and prevent identity fraud.
• Opportunities to identify themselves, even in countries where this is not possible at the time being.
• Give people the ownership of their own ID.
• Help blockchain services that faces the identity problem.
• Make payments more secure and trusted.
• Remove the middleman for identification With Biometrids, the identities will be anonymous but still trusted. The system will give people who do not have access to an ID the opportunities to identify them. There are many countries where this is a major problem. The Biometrids platform will solve the problem of identity and help prevent identity fraud, all this by using facial recognition.


TOTAL TOKEN    : 100.000.000
PRE-ICO PRICE   : 1 ETH = 4000 IDS

WEEK 1 : 1 ETH = 3000 IDS
WEEK 2 : 1 ETH = 2600 IDS
WEEK 3 : 1 ETH = 2200 IDS
WEEK 4 : 1 ETH = 2000 IDS

  • The allocated 10% of the team and the 10% for the foundation will be locked up for three years.
  • Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges.
  • Investors will have the opportunity to get a share of all of these transactions that will be going through the Biometrids Platform. Investors can run their own node on the chain, with only 10.000 IDS.
  • When the system will be fully implemented around the world we would have upwards 100.000.000 transactions everyday with a cost of 10-40cents and a pay out of 90% for investors holding nodes.
  • In our PRE-ICO we offer 4000 IDS for the price of 1 ETH and in ICO the price will range from 2000-3000 IDS for 1 ETH.

Jumat, 19 Januari 2018

The VooGlue platform and the “VooGlue App” integrate an ecosystem of artists, galleries, museums, art lovers, investors, a digital fingerprint of a “wall hung artwork”, a digital media counterpart and an e-commerce product counterpart. The VooGlue App permanently connects the physical item (e.g. a painting) to a digital media counterpart (e.g. a video or augmented reality experience), a product counterpart (e.g. the artwork for sale), such that these elements become permanently connected counterparts, unique to the physical artwork and inseparable from the physical wall hung item. From a user’s perspective, the digital counterparts are accessed simply by pointing a mobile device at the physical artwork hanging on the wall.


Benefits ONLY available to participants in this ICO:

> Be a leader. Get the VooGlue App first for your customers.
> Be a winner. Get VooGlue Tokens at a large discount. 
> Be an innovator. Create a new genre of art.


There will be a total and finite supply of 55,000,000 VGC. Of that supply 65% (36 Million VGC) will be listed for sale as part of the token pre-sale and sale events. The remaining 35% of the tokens will be held in reserve by the company and introduced to the market in various ways, including team compensations, bounties, and other rewards.
  • Pre-sale start date                           January 19th
  • Public token sale start date     March 1st
  • Initial Course                                    1 ETH = 500 VGC
  • Blockchain                                          Ethereum
  • Standard                                                ERC20         
Our Mission

To be the preferred provider of art ecosystem enablers for permanently connecting digital media and ecommerce counterparts to physical art.

  • New and exciting ways of connecting artists and art lovers
  • Lowering costs of doing business for art ecosystem stakeholders
  • Bringing younger demographics to physical art
  • Revitalising the art ecosystem with new styles and opportunity
WEB          :

Chairman & CEO
“I founded my first tech company 23 years ago so I’ve seen this industry evolve and mature. In just two years my new VooGlue business has become one of the most exciting ventures I have ever initiated. Our blockchain will transform part of the fine art ecosystem and our token will give great benefits.

If you are an artist, a gallery or art museum owner or operator, an art investor, in fact anyone who has an interest in the arts, the VooGlue token is an opportunity for you to be part of this innovative transformation in the fine arts ecosystem.

To learn more about how you can join in, please read the white paper, then click right to get your tokens.”

A seasoned leader, strategist, director, entrepreneur and mentor, Brian first embraced international business with a Singapore startup in the 90’s and the dot com technology boom in the 00’s. He went on to lead an Australian Government division with multiple international locations, focusing on exports growth.

Holding two patents in the business innovation space, Brian focuces on executing a winning strategy utilizing the full arsenal of digital tools to leverage social media, achieve parabolic growth, and create massive value.

Enjoy art video and other media on your mobile device right there at the physical artwork. This will enhance your art exhibition experience.
A lightweight and intuitive mobile app that can also be accessed from any web browser.
VooGlue can reduce art buying and selling transaction fees from up to 3.5% to under $1!
Blockchain technology makes the platform and your personal data perfectly secure.

VooGlue makes trading of artwork faster and easier. Every purchase can be completed in a matter of seconds.



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